Horse racing channel At The Races have decided to allow bookmakers to advertise on their broadcasts for the first time, with Ladbrokes Coral as the first company to do so. Of course, this is particularly interesting for us as bookmaker TV advertisements usually consist of special offers, which can often be turned into an expected profit with the help of matched betting sites.
Who Are At The Races?
At The Races are a channel that airs in the UK that is completely dedicated to racing, and have been since the original launch in the year 2000. Then, they had the help of Channel 4 but due to financial problems they had to close in 2003. The time they spent off our screens was short lived though, as they were restructured and relaunched without Channel 4 in 2004.
Now, Sky and Arena Racing co-own the channel and it has been very successful since the relaunch. The channel is fully focused on horse racing from the UK, Ireland, North America, France and Australia, with many live races and relevant shows. The live racing from the UK and Ireland is broadcast on 363 days a year.
The company has recently made the announcement that they will be allowing bookmakers to broadcast adverts on their TV channel for the first time ever. Before this, the channel had previously only advertised bookmakers and betting brands within its programme sponsorship portfolio.
This can be seen as a major branch out into further advertising channels. So much so that At The Races have built a new in-house sales team focusing on TV spot airtime allocations.
Regarding the announcement, At The Races Commercial Director Tony Sweeney said:
“We are delighted to be in a position to sell spot advertising to bookmakers and gaming companies. We already work with over 30 brands across TV sponsorship, digital assets and live video streaming services. This adds to the valuable marketing opportunities that we already offer to the bookmaking sector.” Quotes courtesy of SBC News
As mentioned, the first to make the leap into advertising on At The Races are FTSE bookmaker Ladbrokes Coral, which will see their brands appear during commercial advertising breaks on the channel. The company brought two extremely successful bookmakers together, with the merging of Ladbrokes and Coral in 2015.
Ladbrokes Coral Director of Marketing, Alexis Zamboglou had this to say on the deal:
“This is an excellent opportunity for us to reach a very targeted audience. At The Races is synonymous with horse racing and importantly, with betting. Its coverage not only contains live sporting events that are vital to our sportsbook but is delivered in a manner that revolves around the punter.” Quotes courtesy of SBC News
What kind of offers can we expect to see in these TV adverts? Let’s take a look at some of the current promotions that Ladbrokes Coral are listing.
Ladbrokes Coral Betting Offers
Ladbrokes New Customer Offer – Expected Profit £35
The most lucrative offers are usually in the form of sign up promotions, where the bookmaker will look to entice users into signing up with them through the offer of a free bet or a bonus. In this case, Ladbrokes will give a new customer a £50 free bet when they register for an account and deposit their first £50.
You will need to use a promo code for this offer, and the first £50 of your own money will need to be wagered once. Through matched betting techniques, you will be able to cover both outcomes with a lay bet on the selection you have backed with Ladbrokes.
Once you have placed your qualifying bet you will be given the free bet amount of £50 immediately. This can then be used at any point within the next seven days. Once backing and laying with the free bet stake, you should come out with an expected profit of around £35.
Coral New Customer Offer – Expected Profit £16
Similarly, Coral’s new customer offer can provide you with a good amount of expected profit too. All you have to do to qualify is to deposit and bet £5, to then get £20 in free bets.
The free bets are paid as four £5 free bets. They can all be used on the same selection, but they must be placed separately. The strategy is very simple, place a back and lay bet with close odds between those on Coral and those on the exchange, then once you have your free bets, do the same for each free bet using the free bet stake, rather than your own money.
Once complete, you could come out with £16 in profit.
Ladbrokes Acca Insurance – Potential Profit £6
Using the help of an acca finding tool such as Matched Bets‘ Acca Backer or Profit Accumulator’s Acca Catcher, this offer from Ladbrokes can be turned into a potential profit. All you need to do is place a fivefold accumulator with Ladbrokes and if one selection lets you down, you will get your stake refunded as a free bet, up to £25.
There are some key terms to be aware of, such as the minimum odds of 1.1 for each selection and minimum cumulative odds of 4.0. There is a maximum of one refund per day, and if your chosen acca finding tool does a good job, a potential profit of £6 each time could be yours.
Coral Free Bet Club – Expected Profit £3.50
Free Bet Clubs are perfect for matched bettors, as they give you a free bet each week that can be turned into an expected profit. This means that you can add to matched betting profits in the long term. For this offer, all you need to do is place £25 worth of bets each week and you will be credited with a £5 free bet every time.
The £25 must be placed between Monday and Thursday, and the odds must be 2.0 or greater. If you are a Coral Connect member, you can also receive a £5 free bet to use in store, in addition to the online free bet.
The free bet will then be valid to use from Friday evening until Sunday evening of the same week. From just the online free bet, there is an expected profit of £3.50. With Coral connect, this can be doubled.